Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yes, he has a pretty big forehead, but makes up for it with his mother flippin' adorableness, haha. His name is Evan Raye Rodriguez, and he's 8 months old born July 25th, 2008. He's obsessed with FOOD, and The Backyardigans. He's huge for his age, and weighs 20 pounds :O. In case you didn't figure out, he's one of my 4 other brothers. He like, bangs his head against the backrest pillows of the couch with a little boppy pillow like strapping him down while he watches his "programs". He goes to school at 11 almost every night, some DVD's about how babies can read and sign language crap 0_o. It gets really annoying watching these dumb ugly people in the videos doing obscene gestures like signaling retards to cross the street or something. Well ah, he grabs everything he can, and sticks it in his mouth to scratch his gums for teething, he doesn't even have one tooth yet. My MOM has him like some kind of little princess; he doesn't stand on his own, barely sits on his own, and doesn't even crawl. But hey, I guess he's a late bloomer or something. God, he drinks like 9 ounces of milk everyday, and then eats this bowl of disgusting smelling oatmeal that makes me gag. Well ah, that's all I have to say about this pocket full of sunshine ... I live with 'em and his cuteness doesn't phase his constant crying and whining;
so don't be too jealous ;-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brooke Nicol Naley.

My best friend, my cousin, my everything. I love you so much, it's hard to put in writing. The things you've been through really do break my heart, but when you tell me I make it all better, well that's just the nicest thing you could ever say to me. We've been through a lot, over the year that you've lived here, and I know your life date to date. Charlie, Dustin, your Dad, it's all a brutal brain twister. And as if that stuff isn't enough, you're placed right in the middle. But you're strong enough to know how to handle any mishap God sends you without committing suicide. The place you call Home right now is a death trap, walking on egg shells. I do morn for you sometimes, just because you're ... you, lingering where you do. I know how you're planning on going back to Florida for college, and we probably won't see each other, for a really long time, and I'm sorry for that. But I'm not sorry for the happiness you're going to endure when you've moved back to your hometown Love. You have so many people to miss, Detra, Savannah, Dustin, Mackenzie. You can take the girl out of the south, but never the south out of the girl. Through out everything that has happened in the past, I'm still here, and I'm sticking with you Brooke, whether it's physically, or emotionally. I love you, so much Brooke Nicol Naley.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm sorry, what?


You think Myspace friends are overated? Aw, well, fuck you (:

Recently, well, a couple 'a months ago, I met the two coolest chicks ever. Through out the 15 years that I've lived on this planet, I've never seen chicks with such swag. It's absolutely amazing. Anngee (&G.) & Laura (LC) are their names, and yes, they're twins. We haven't officially met, but I feel like I already know them ... well a little. The way they fight and hate each other is amusing just cause I can tell they love each other to death; but their pictures together always make me smile. Unlike other people, I can tell them apart easily, just by their faces. They're both adorableee man, the two cutest girls. I'm married to one (Anngee) and have after everything, befriended the other (Laura). Anngee's hard to understand, and even harder to read. She's really hard to satisfy, and isn't easy to get close to. But I managed to, so I guess I'm pretty lucky, she's my sweet tooth. Laura's misunderstood, and can be called a ... biotch, but that's just most people dunno her like I do. She's really sweet when you get to know where she comes from and how she thinks. She looks at the world in a different perspective than others, it's easy to say. On top of that, we hated each other at first, just cause we were too much alike, but after a while decided to cope and surrender. Hard to believe I gathered all of this information without meeting them, that's just cause I analyze and listen to every word they ... type really, we IM every chance we get. Myspace is the most convenient miracle worker, I'm extremely grateful I met these unique twins. I love them both, I'll love 'em more when we meet though :D


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wtf, moving?

Ehh, we've been living in this 3 bedroom apartment for mother fuckin' 8 years. Okay, so there's not hot water all the time, and yeah the elevator smells like hobos had a damn conference in there, and our upstairs neighbor yells at his girlfriend, plays his base guitar at 2am, and rolls bowling balls down the hallway, but it's still a pretty nice place! We're set man, I still have no idea why the hell we're moving ... okay, I do, but still, it's not that big a space issue. My little brother's baby shit infests our living room and the bathroom's walls are growing mildew, pretty gross. But at least it's not secluded and has a dirty man living in the basement (our new house). And then on top of everything, that new place has SMALLER, yeah SMALLER bedrooms. Like wtf is the point of moving into a smaller place? It makes no damn sense, isn't the point of moving like, upgrading to somewhere better? My parents are possibly retarded, that would probably explain why my mother yells vigorously because of spilled orange juice. I'm just stumped, and bummed at this dumb ass decision. Ugh, it's just a pile of swiveling bullshit. >:O