Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wtf, moving?

Ehh, we've been living in this 3 bedroom apartment for mother fuckin' 8 years. Okay, so there's not hot water all the time, and yeah the elevator smells like hobos had a damn conference in there, and our upstairs neighbor yells at his girlfriend, plays his base guitar at 2am, and rolls bowling balls down the hallway, but it's still a pretty nice place! We're set man, I still have no idea why the hell we're moving ... okay, I do, but still, it's not that big a space issue. My little brother's baby shit infests our living room and the bathroom's walls are growing mildew, pretty gross. But at least it's not secluded and has a dirty man living in the basement (our new house). And then on top of everything, that new place has SMALLER, yeah SMALLER bedrooms. Like wtf is the point of moving into a smaller place? It makes no damn sense, isn't the point of moving like, upgrading to somewhere better? My parents are possibly retarded, that would probably explain why my mother yells vigorously because of spilled orange juice. I'm just stumped, and bummed at this dumb ass decision. Ugh, it's just a pile of swiveling bullshit. >:O

1 comment:

  1. this is so hillarios seeing as i know about the crazy guy that lives upstairs:) ( the crazy things he does at 2am scare me) lol
    amazing writing:)
